New Patient Forms

New Patient Forms

Since 1981 | Insurance Accepted

Since 1981
Insurance Accepted

Bring Your Medical Information to Your Initial Exam

At Advanced Foot & Ankle Clinic, we welcome new patients and try to offer you the most convenient appointment times available.

Once you schedule your appointment, plan on bringing your essential medical information and documentation.
  • Your insurance card
  • Photo I.D.
  • The names of your other doctors
  • A list of your current medications (or bring the meds with you)
  • A list of former surgeries
  • Any online forms you filled out prior to your appointment
If you have any recent medical records or X-rays, they will be helpful and may save you time and charges if you are seeking a second opinion or transferring your care. 
Call 405-692-7114 for details.
Patient and Doctor

Plan at Least an Hour for Your First Visit

Please arrive 30/40 minutes early to your first appointment so you can complete our forms. We try to stay on schedule and don't do any double booking.

Your initial visit may require as much as an hour of your time as our doctors make their first evaluation, so please plan accordingly.
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Request an Appointment

South Office:

North Office:

Advanced Foot & Ankle Clinic
1126 SW 89th St
Oklahoma City, OK 73139
13301 North Meridian Suite 701
Oklahoma City, OK 73120

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