Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown Toenail Treatments

Since 1981 | Insurance Accepted

Since 1981
Insurance Accepted

Don't Let Toenails Endanger Your Overall Health

Ingrown toenails are not just uncomfortable: they are a threat to diabetics and to patients with joint replacements or pacemakers.

See Advanced Foot & Ankle Clinic today for relief from the pain of ingrown nails and treatment of the dangers they may present.

The following information is provided by

Nail Irritation Can Quickly Lead to an Infection

When the edges of your nail plate penetrate the soft tissue of your toe, you can develop an ingrown nail. What begins as a painful irritation can develop into a bacterial infection with drainage or pus.

In diabetics, an ingrown nail can lead to gangrene, while in patients with joint replacements or pacemakers, bacteria can spread through the bloodstream and lead to infections in the joints or the heart.

Ingrown Toenails Are Caused by Several Factors

Unfortunately, once an ingrown nail develops, it can often recur as the nail grows out again. Ingrown toenails are due to a variety of causes.
  • Heredity proclivity
  • Pealing or tearing nails instead of trimming them (common in children)
  • Improper cutting of the nails, including too short or cutting at the sides
  • Ill-fitting shoes
In general, patients can prevent ingrown nails by wearing proper shoes and trimming the toenails straight across and not too short.
Treatment Available

Relatively Painless Treatment Is Available

Although an injection to numb a toe can hurt some, on the whole, the treatment for ingrown toenails is relatively painless.

Our doctors first will remove the nail margin and then kill the nail root, often through the use of acids. Over the next few weeks, the nail margin will heal. In general, there will no limitations on your activities, bathing, or wearing shoes.

As the new nail develops, you can expect it to be narrower because the nail margins have been removed. There are a few complications, usually limited to recurrence of the ingrown nail or loss of the remaining nail before a new one grows back.
Request an Appointment

South Office:

North Office:

Advanced Foot & Ankle Clinic
1126 SW 89th St
Oklahoma City, OK 73139
13301 North Meridian Suite 701
Oklahoma City, OK 73120

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